Search Results Page

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  1. Filter Search Results

Search results are displayed based on your initial search. From the search results page, you have the following options:

1. Filters

The scope of your search can be reduced by selecting Routine filters. Available filters are displayed as buttons along the top of the screen. Once an initial search is executed, the filters are dynamic based on the search results. This means that if you enter text for the initial search, only filters (buttons and options within the filter popups) which also apply to the data found by the text string are shown on the Search Results page. Any changes to the filter selection triggers an automatic update to the search results.
  • More FiltersClick to open a popup containing any additional filters that do not fit on the screen.
  • Reset FiltersClick rotate-ccw to clear any selected filters.

Search by Filter

2. Home Return to the home page to execute a new search or select a Favorite.

Home Page

4. Results Display Search Results can be displayed as either tiles or a grid.
  • list  Show Results as GridThis option displays data as a row in a grid layout, with columns of additional information about the Routine or Feature including Label, Alias, Type and Description. This view does not allow for marking the data as a Favorite directly.
  • grid  Show Results as TilesThis option displays data as rows of cards with the Routine or Feature name and a thumbnail picture of the part model (if available).

5. Search Results

This area is where the data results are shown. Each tile (or grid row) is one Routine found with the search string. Click star in the top right corner of the tile to add the Routine to your Favorites.

Search Results Page

6. Search Results Summary The summary text shows the results of the search. This includes the total number of individual data matches found for the search string, and specifies how many of that count are Routines or Features.  

Filter Search Results

The scope of your search can be reduced by selecting Routine filters. Available filters are displayed as buttons along the top of the screen. Once an initial search is executed, the filters are dynamic based on the search results. This means that if you enter text for the initial search, only filters (buttons and options within the filter popups) which also apply to the data found by the text string are shown on the Search Results page. Any changes to the filter selection triggers an automatic update to the search results.

See also, Search by Filter.

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