Password options

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  1. Password complexity
  2. Password re-use and password expiration settings
  3. Set number of passwords in password history
  4. Enable/disable user password expiration
    1. Disable password expiry
    2. Enable password expiry
    3. User account details

To access the Password options in the User Settings section:

Open the Security card in Configuration.

Click Settings on the menu.

The Password options are loaded with two sections: Password Complexity and Password re-use and expiration.

Two options, Save and Save and close, are disabled until the contents of the fields are modified.  

When clicking the Save option all entered data is saved and the same blade remains open.

When clicking the Save and close option all the entered data is saved, the blade is closed, and the user is redirected to the home page. 

Navigating to another tab in the blade without explicitly saving any changes made in the previous tab won’t cause the changes to be lost. However if the X button in the blade header is clicked, the User Settings blade will be closed and any unsaved changes will be lost.

Password complexity

The password complexity in ATS Security Manager is determined by specifying the following elements:

Digits: Should the password contain at least one number.

Special characters: Should the password contain at least one special character such as $,%,& etc.

Uppercase letters: Should the password contain at least one uppercase letter.

Lowercase letters: Should the password contain at least one lowercase letter.

Password length: The length of the password.

The password complexity settings are enforced in the following cases:

When adding new users from the user interface

When changing user password by admin user

Upon password change (by user) from login page or from user options or when user password has expired

Upon password reset (by user)

Configure password Complexity

Configure the password complexity settings by placing a tick in the desired check boxes for the following:

Require digits: Tick the Require digits check box to require at least one digit to be included in the password.

Require special characters: Tick the Require special characters check box to require at least one special character in the password.

Require uppercase letters: Tick the Require uppercase letters check box to require at least one uppercase letter in the password.

Require lowercase letters: Tick the Require lowercase letters check box to require at least one lowercase letter in the password.

Select password length in the Minimum password length field. Minimal possible length value is 6.

The Save and Save and close options become enabled.

Click on the Save or Save and close option.

A success notification is displayed.

Password re-use and password expiration settings

ATS Security can be configured to record the number of unique new passwords that must be associated with a user account before an old password can be reused.

Passwords can be configured to expire after a certain period.  When a user attempts to login with a password that has expired, they will be redirected to the Change Password screen so that a new password can be created.

Set number of passwords in password history

To set the number of passwords to be checked when setting a new user password:

Enter a number in the Previous passwords to check field.

If the value is set to 0, users will be able to specify any password except the current password.

Click on the Save or Save and close option.

A success notification is displayed.

Enable/disable user password expiration

Disable password expiry

To disable password expiration:

Place a tick in the Password never expires check box.

The Password duration (day) field is disabled and can not be edited.

Click on the Save or Save and close option.

A success notification is displayed.

Enable password expiry

To enable password expiration:

Ensure the tick is removed from the Password never expires check box.

The Password duration (day) field is enabled and can be edited.

Enter the duration of the password (in days) from the Password duration (day) field.

The minimum possible value for this field is 1.

Click on the Save or Save and close option.

A success notification is displayed.

User account details

When password expiration is enabled, two additional fields are visible in the Account section of the user details blade of local users.

A Password never expires check box.

A  Password expires on date field: This field is read only and displays the  date when the user password will expire)

Using the Password never expires check box enables password expiration settings to be ignored for certain users.

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