View Annotation

View annotation allow you to display selected features as Feature Markers in spatial relation to a 3D image. See the topic Images in CM4D for more information on the types of images that may be used in CM4D.

A View containing Features displayed as red Spheres superimposed on two 3D images representing the parts the Features are associated to. More than one View annotation can be placed on a single sheet.

New View

New View annotation are created using the View (image\CM4D0034_wmf.gif) tool (or the menu Annotation > New > View). Click the button and draw a box on the page where you want the view while holding the left mouse button down. After creating a view, it needs to be edited in order to assign the image type and other various properties. Refer to the topic View Annotation for more information on loading an image into a View, or the topic View Properties.

When creating views for a CM4Di Template, the size of the view needs to be the same on each SheetSet. An easy method for ensuring that the view size is consistent throughout a SheetSet, use ReportTweak.

Edit View

To edit a View, double-click inside the border, right-click and select Edit from the context menu, or use the Edit View () button on the toolbar. Edit Mode allows the View to be edited continuously without resolving until you exit edit mode by clicking the Edit View button again or clicking outside of the View's border.

Edit Mode Context Options

The options available while editing a view include editing or sorting strings and creating or loading Feature sets by right-clicking in the View and selecting the context menu options. Editing a view also allows you to change the visual perspective of a View camera using the Zoom, Orient, and Camera menu options. Unlike wireframe images, 3D images also have the option of using the 3D toolbar to modify perspectives.

Delete View

Select the Annotation and press the delete key or right click within the Annotation box and select Delete from the menu. Multiple annotation can be selected by holding the shift key and clicking the left mouse button on each Annotation you wish to delete.