Interactive Toolbars

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Prints your active document as per your Print Setup dialog

Export Data

Opens the Export Data dialog

Email Sheet

Sends your active sheet to an E-mail as a PDF attachment. This option only works if you have an E-mail client installed on your computer.



Deletes current selection


Cuts your selection and places it on the clipboard to be pasted to another location on the current sheet, or another sheet or document


Copies your selection to the clipboard to be pasted to another location on the current sheet, or another sheet or document


Pastes object or text from clipboard to current sheet


Edit View

Puts a View annotation into Edit Mode.

Clip 3D

Enables or disables the Clipping Manipulator. The Clipping function must be enabled within a View's properties to be able to select the Clip 3D button.

Rotate 3D

Place the mouse pointer over the 3D view, click and hold the left mouse button while moving it in the direction you want the 3D view to rotate

Translate 3D

Moves a 3D view within its frame by clicking and dragging the mouse pointer over it

Zoom 3D

Zooms the scale of a 3D view by clicking and dragging the mouse pointer to get the desired zoom scale

Zoom Fit 3D

Sizes a 3D object to fit inside the view's frame

Zoom Box 3D

Click and drag a box to select an area of the 3D image to zoom

Zoom Previous 3D

Returns the 3D image to its previous position


Opens the Camera dialog, where users can save custom 3D image orientations on five levels, which can be saved to the Database.


Zoom In

Increases the current sheet display scale incrementally with each click

Zoom Out

Decreases the current sheet display scale incrementally with each click

Zoom 100%

Zooms the sheet as close to a one-to-one ratio as the display will allow

Zoom Fit

Makes the sheet fit in your document area

Zoom Selected

Zoom in on a selected annotation

Zoom Scale

Allows you to choose at what scale you want to view your annotation on the sheet


Repaints the entire display with all of the current information in the document region


Toggle Alignment

Toggles alignment on and off

Alignment Properties

Opens the alignment properties dialog


Feature Properties

Opens the Feature Properties dialog

Feature Editor

Opens the Feature Editor, which can also be accessed through the Edit menu

Process Control

Opens the Process Control Editor (formerly, the Limit Editor)

MSA Wizard

Opens the Measurement Statistical Analysis Wizard

Log Viewer

Opens the Process Change Log Viewer

Logging Enabled

Turns Process Change Logging on

Logging Disabled

Turns Process Change Logging off

Sample Control

With the Sample Control Toolbar users can select which sample they would like to view. The name of the current sample is displayed in the menu in the center of the toolbar. Samples can be selected from the menu by clicking the down arrow, then clicking on a sample name. Clicking the single triangles selects the sample before or after the current sample. Clicking the triangles with the bar will select the first or last sample.

Previous Sample

Opens the previous sample in the sample list

Last Sample

Opens the last sample in the sample list

Active Sample

Select the Active Sample from the dropdown

Next Sample

Opens the next sample in the sample list

First Sample

Opens the first sample in the sample list

Sheet Control

The Sheet Control toolbar is used to navigate between sheets when all of the annotation in a report will not fit on just one sheet. Select another sheet by clicking the arrow and selecting the number of the sheet you wish to view. Clicking the single triangles selects the sheet before or after the current sheet, respectively. Clicking the triangles with the bar will select the first or last sheet in the report.

Previous Sheet

Opens the previous sheet in the sheet list

First Sheet

Opens the first sheet in the sheet list

Active Sheet

Select the Active Sheet from the dropdown

Next Sheet

Opens the next sheet in the sheet list

Last Sheet

Opens the last sheet in the sheet list



Opens the Report Properties dialog

Modify Sift Rules

Opens the Sift Rules dialog

Change Current Sift Rules

Opens the Change Sift Rules dialog so a set of Multi Sift Rules can be selected

Change Deviation Type

Opens the Deviation Type dialog


Zoom Tool

Zooms the viewing area of your page by clicking the zoom tool and drawing a box around the area you want to zoom

Display Frame

Resizes the sheet so that it fills the Document Region

Full Screen

Toggles the Full Screen mode on and off

View Nav Tree

Toggles the Nav Tree on and off

View Feature Grid

Toggles the display of the Feature filter grid on and off

View Sample Grid

Toggles the display of the Sample filter grid on and off

View DataSet Grid

Toggles the display of the DataSet filter grid on and off

Remove Selected

Removes the selected lines from the grid

Keep Selected

Keeps the selected lines in the grid and removes all the others; the selected data will be renumbered

Show All Rows

Restores all the lines in the grid after they have been removed; the data will then be renumbered

Choose Columns

Opens a dialog in which columns to be displayed in the grid can be selected


Allows users to use strings to search within the nav tree and the grids


The Report toolbar contains the Report Tweak tools used to modify Sticky Reports. Many of these options are also available in the Context menus for the annotation and Views.


Enables Report Tweak to create or modify Sticky Reports


Not a valid option in CM4D Interactive


Adds a new annotation to the last sheet of the report for each row in the DataSet that does not already have an annotation in the report


Removes all invalid, unresolved, or duplicate annotation from the report


Opens the Tweak Analysis dialog