DataUtility Toolbars

Icon Name Description

Commit Changes

Saves all changes made to the Database; once data has been committed, there is no way to undo this action

Revert Changes

Re-executes the search and returns data to its last saved configuration as referenced from the Database - this is NOT an undo button

Show Items Marked for Change

Opens a dialog which lists all the items that have been marked for deletion and are waiting for the changes to be committed

Enable Process Change Log

When the Enable Logging button is active, Process Change Logging is turned on. Click the Enable Logging button to disable logging. See the CM4D Help Documentation for more information on the Process Change Log

Disable Process Change Log

When the Disable Logging button is active, Process Change Logging is turned off. Click the Disable Logging button to enable logging. See the CM4D Help Documentation for more information on the Process Change Log

DB Filters

Opens the Database Filter Management dialog through which Routine, Feature, and Sample filters can be created, modified, or deleted

DataSource Setup

Opens the DataSource pane of the Navigation window

Routine Search

Opens the Routine Search pane of the Navigation window

Feature Search

Opens the Feature Search pane of the Navigation window

Sample Search

Opens the Sample Search pane of the Navigation window

Nominal Search

Opens the Nominal Search pane of the Navigation window

Actuals Search

Opens the Actual Search pan of the Navigation window

Image Search

Opens the Image Search pane of the Navigation window

Data Viewing Options

Opens the View Customization pane of the Result Options window


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