Zoom a View

Views loaded with 3D models and 3D Feature marker data can be zoomed in, out or to the maximum size that fits the part within the view border. The Zoom state of a View may be saved as part of a Camera along with the orientation.

Zoom In

Zoom In decreases the distance between the viewer and the part. Detail is increased; less of the entire loaded model is visible.

View in Edit Mode ():

View not in Edit Mode:

Zoom Out

Zoom Out increases the distance between the viewer and the part. Detail is reduced; more of the entire loaded model is visible.

View in Edit Mode ():

View not in Edit Mode:

Zoom Max

Zoom Max immediately sets the zoom distance on the View that fits all loaded parts (model and Feature markers) within the view boundary.

View in Edit Mode ():

View not in Edit Mode:

Related Tasks:

Rotate a View

Orient a View

Related Concepts:

3D View Mouse Controls

3D View Tools in CM4D


View Orientation Cube

Related Reference:

3D Models

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