CM4D Services

Topic ContentsTopic Contents
  1. CM4D Server Services
  2. CM4D Results Services
  3. Start the Services
    1. Startup Prerequisites
    2. Start the Services
  4. CM4D Service User
    1. General User Requirements
    2. Set the Service User

The CM4D product uses several Windows services. Depending on the way you are using CM4D and what is installed, some of these services may not be available or active. If you did not configure the Service user and/or Database connection information during the installation, complete the Site and Datasource configuration before attempting to start the services.

CM4D Server Services

Service Name Description Dependencies/Requirements References
DataConnect The communication service to ATS data structures. For CM4D, it connects the mail server to CM4D-generated events.
DataConnect Service
DataSmith Batch Monitors folders and handles data files relating to DataSmith Batch processing. Connects DataSmith Batch to the CM4D database, assigns jobs to users, creates Batch folders and monitors the Batch folders for any activity. The instances of DataSmith that are run via automation to process jobs will inherit permissions from the user running the DataSmith Batch Service. Dependencies: SQL Server Service
EventSmith SMTP The notification service that connects EventSmith to the mail server. Dependencies: DataConnect Service
EventSmith SMTP Service
Scheduler Launcher Initializes and manages the CM4D processes used to generate reports for Scheduler jobs. It is used by the Scheduler Service and CM4D Web to run (or "launch") the instances of CM4D that will be used to open documents and print reports. Dependencies: Scheduler Service

CM4D Scheduler Launcher Service

Scheduler Service Handles the processing of CM4D Scheduler jobs to generate reports. It connects CM4D Scheduler to the database and assigns jobs to users throughout the system. Requirements: CM4D Scheduler Service

CM4D Results Services

Service Name Description Dependencies/Requirements References
Results Loader Updates the Results database with minimum database locks. This service requires a connection to the CM4D Results database and the Transport/Persistence database(s). Requirements: Connection to the CM4D Results database and the Transport/Persistence database(s) Results Services
Results Sender Processes the data events from CM4D, extracts the data from the databases and sends the data to Results Loader. In the case of a modified CAD image, a message is sent to the StreamCacheSmith service. This service requires a connection to the CM4D Site database and the Transport/Persistence database(s). Requirements: Connection to the CM4D Site database and the Transport/Persistence database(s)  
StreamCacheSmith Converts 3D CAD images into the HOOPS streaming format used over the web by CM4D Peruse. The stream cache images are stored in the Site database and streamed to clients as-needed for rendering on the client-side HOOPS Viewer. This service requires a connection to the CM4D Results database and the Transport/Persistence database(s) and must be installed on the same machine as the HOOPS Communicator Server. Dependencies: Results Loader Service
  • Access to the CAD image file
  • Connection to the CM4D Results database and the Transport/Persistence database(s).
  • Must be installed on the same machine as the HOOPS Communicator server
Results Services

Start the Services

Startup Prerequisites

Before the CM4D services can be started, make sure the following requirements are met:

Start the Services

Open Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.

For CM4D Server installations, start the following:

If you are starting the Scheduler or Batch services for the first time, the services will request an Enterprise license from the ATS Licensing Server. You must open ATS Licensing Server Manager in ATS Security and Configuration Manager and approve the license request. Once it is approved, you can retry the Service start.

If you have the CM4D Results services installed, start those services as well:

CM4D Service User

The CM4D Services must be run as a user with some specific privileges. You may choose to run the services with a Domain account user or a Windows user created for the sole purpose of running the CM4D services. It is recommended that the same user is set for all CM4D Services for access consistency, but you may choose to run services with different users.

General User Requirements

The following are the general requirements for the user running any of the CM4D Services:

If an individual service has special user requirements, those will be listed with the individual service descriptions in the previous section.

Set the Service User

Go to Administrative Tools > Services.

Right-click a service and select Properties.

Go to the Log On tab.

In the Log on as section, select This account.

Enter the User credentials for the user account that will run the CM4D service.

Click OK.

Repeat for each CM4D Service.

Once all CM4D services are configured, close Services.

If your Domain users are required to change their passwords periodically, you will also need to update the CM4D services Log On passwords manually. The Windows service logon passwords do not get updated automatically through the Windows change password operation.

Related Tasks:

Create CM4D Service User

Start the CM4D Services

Install CM4D Results Services

Related Concepts:

Service Dependencies

Results Transport

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